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Womens Center is a holistic 100-bedded facility situated in Tamilnadu, catering to all the health needs of women. Its obsession for quality health care has lead the Center to be the first in the country to obtain both ISO 9001:2008 and ISAR Certifications. Womens Center has a chain of Fertility Center located in Coimbatore, Chennai, Salem and Tiruchirapalli. Fertility Care is one of the key areas where the Center is excelled for the last 30 decades. The center provides the entire spectrum of women health care needs such as Maternal Care, high Risk Pregnancy, Feto Maternal Medicine, Level 3 Neonatal Care, a complete range of Gynecological services such as 3D Laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy and Open procedures, Preventive Medicine, Oncology, Imaging, MRgFUS, Womens Wellness.
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Maternal Care
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Fertility Care
Womens Center’s fertility Center is one of the longest running in South India.